Post-natal Leakage? Here's How to address Pelvic Floor Problems

Post-natal Leakage? Here's How to address Pelvic Floor Problems

Post-natal Leakage? Here's How to address Pelvic Floor Problems

Guest Blog by Rice Cakes and Raisins

If you have experienced incontinence or pelvic floor issues during pregnancy or during the postnatal period, then you are certainly not alone. It's certainly not something that is always openly discussed and so you might not realise that actually, it is quite a common condition amongst women. But there are treatments available and ones that treat the condition, not just the symptoms. Here to tell you a little more are the experts at Contrelle Activgard...

In time for  which fell on 21st to 27th June 2021, the NHS announced that it would be launching a new pelvic health service to treat incontinence and pelvic floor issues amongst the seven million women in the UK who suffer from the condition. Loosely modelled on the French system, this service will gather specialists like midwives and physiotherapists under one roof with the aim to treat, educate and prevent the issue, particularly amongst pregnant and post-natal women.

During the same week, an innovative piece of FemTech, Contrelle, has been re-released to the UK. The device can be used alongside pelvic floor exercises to manage the cause of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) amongst women of all ages. Instead of treating the symptoms with uncomfortable bulky pads or liners, this nifty product works by lifting the bladder neck and urethra via a soft foam bladder support, inserted into the vagina. Contrelle has been well received in Scandinavia for the past 10 years.

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is an unfortunate reality for many mums affecting those who have just given birth for the first time as well as those who have had multiple children, with roughly a third affected for up to a year after giving birth. 

Specialist Women's Health and Pelvic Physiotherapist Maria Elliott says, "It is very common for women to experience some incontinence issues after giving birth. These may disappear within a few weeks after delivery but if you are still experiencing leaks when you have your post-natal checks at about 6 to 8 weeks, tell your doctor or ask your health visitor, midwife or physiotherapist for advice or options for treatment. It isn't just something you should accept as a normal part of being a mum." 

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