A single use disposable bladder support for stress urinary incontinence.

Contrelle provides an innovative solution to help stop bladder leakage, helping women improve their quality of life and exercise as they wish. It can be used independently at home, making it convenient whilst saving professional time.

Contrelle® is perfect for daily use or just during key activities, such as exercising.

Contrelle Activgard Sizing Kit and 30-pack (available in three sizes) have been NHS approved for listing on the national drug tariff and can now be prescribed on FP10 by general practitioners and all qualified healthcare professional prescribers.

The Sizing Kit, 5-pack and 30-pack of Contrelle Activgard are available on request at pharmacies if not in stock. Pharmicists can order via Alliance, Lexon, Quantum or direct from ourselves.

The use of intravaginal devices, such as Contrelle, is included in the latest NICE guidelines as part of a conservative approach to the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, after pelvic floor training. NICE recognises the use of such devices could prevent more costly, invasive options.

Read more: Recommendations | Pelvic floor dysfunction: prevention and non-surgical management | Guidance | NICE).

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