Talking Taboos: Why incontinence is still a taboo

Talking Taboos: Why incontinence is still a taboo

Talking Taboos: Why incontinence is still a taboo

September's 'Talking Taboos': With Ash Monga, Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist Urogynaecologist at University Hospitals Southampton Foundation Trust. ⁠

During this session, Ash shared a wealth of knowledge and we discussed why incontinence is still taboo and how can women be better advocates for themselves.

Three types of incontinence and the different treatments available, including how femtech innovation Contrelle can help with Stress Urinary Incontinence and why it stands out from other products on the market. ⁠

You can now watch a full recording of this talking taboo session with Ash Monga.

Further info about Ash Monga:

Ash is Specialist Advisor to @nicecomms Interventional Procedure Panel and is a medical advisor for various pharmaceutical companies. ⁠

Ash has a keen interest in education has given over 500 lectures with over 200 on the international stage. He has contributed to a catalogue of medical publications and studies on female stress urinary incontinence and obstetric and sphincter injury. ⁠

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