Instagram LIVE: Menopause, The Symptoms And Dealing With Urinary Incontinence

Instagram LIVE: Menopause, The Symptoms And Dealing With Urinary Incontinence

Instagram LIVE: Menopause, The Symptoms And Dealing With Urinary Incontinence

Tuesday, October 5 at 4.30pm

We are delighted to be joined by Hazel Hayden @bristolmenopause_clinic on Tuesday, October 5 at 4.30pm to talk about menopause, the symptoms and dealing with urinary incontinence. ⁠

⁠Hazel is the founder of The Bristol Menopause & Wellwoman Clinic. She is a British Menopause Society Registered Menopause Specialist and a Registered Nurse Practioner. ⁠

Hazel has been working in women's health since 2006 with a special interest in menopause and sexual health. She has treated menopausal women with all types of symptoms. ⁠

⁠"My aim is to help you navigate through this difficult time using a holistic, individual approach to menopause. This can include diet, exercise and lifestyle advice as well as discussing treatment options which may include HRT."⁠

We hope you can join us for this LIVE!

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